UIkit 2.4 – New UIkit community, refactored grid and more

UIkit 2.4 – New UIkit community, refactored grid and more

  • Sascha
  • UIkit

Just into March an exciting new UIkit update is coming your way. This release includes a refactored grid with a lot of new features, JavaScript AMD support and many more little gimmicks and bug fixes. We updated the frontpage of the UIkit website and added new Layout example pages, which get you started on creating all kinds of different layouts. We also simplified the repository structure and changed the add-on source folders.

Join our community

We created a Google+ community for UIkit! This is the place where you can share ideas, tips and tricks or even publish your own tutorials. Connect with other users and help each other when dealing with UIkit issues. It also provides a platform for giving feedback or to showcase websites you created using UIkit.

Grid refactored

We added some useful features to the grid system that will really lighten your workload. For example, you can now create a grid, whose child elements' widths are evenly split without having to apply the same class to each list item within the grid. To complete the responsive grid classes, we added a collection of .uk-width-small-* classes for smaller devices. And there is also a smaller grid gutter available.

AMD support

AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) is a way of defining JavaScript modules and their dependencies, so they can be loaded asynchronously. It's a long discussed topic in the JavaScript community and after the recent move of jQuery to support AMD, we're happy to accounce that UIkit has full AMD support, if you need it. Find out more in our documentation.

All in all this new release contains some really nifty new features, like additional utility classes, responsive text center classes, some bug fixes and much more. Of course, we would like to hear your feedback. So write us, tweet us or use the Google+ community! Let us know what you think.


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