
This chapter shows you how to translate a Warp based theme.

There are already a lot of different languages available for Warp.

Create Language Files

  1. Go to the directory /language and copy an existing directory, for example /en-GB.
  2. Rename it (for example for Russian: /ru-RU).
  3. Now you can translate the .po file and any strings located inside it to your language using Poedit and compile it to

For further instructions, please take a look at the Translating WordPress tutorial.

Here is a short example of how the translatable language strings are used in WordPress themes. Example text is the string and warp is the text domain.

('Example text', 'warp')

Using Warp Themes with WPML in WordPress

All Warp themes are fully compatible with WPML. Here's a step-by-step guide of how to translate widgets with WPML.

  1. Install and activate Widget Logic.
  2. Add copies of the widgets you want to translate.
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets and successively select every translated widget and add the required code.

You can find the language code of your desired language in WPML > Languages > Edit Languages. Visit the WPML documentation for detailed information.

Warp Themes Documentation