The Icons
Browse through all the different categories to find the icon you are looking for. Click an icon to see all its eight different sizes ranging from 16 to 512 pixels on a dark background.
Manufacturing Process
From sketching to pixel pushing,
every detail counts!

Lovely Sketches
The first ideas are created from scratch with just a blank sheet of paper. Creating different sketches helps us find the best look and feel for the icon.

High Quality Vectorizing
We vectorize our sketches with Adobe Illustrator taking care of every shape so that you can resize vector icons without any loss to the details.

Colors and Lights
To keep a consistent look we put together a harmonic color palette and pay special attention to the lights, shadows and textures to ensure high quality for our icons.

Pixel Perfect Sizes
All icons are pixel perfect in every size. We also refine each detail of the icon so the differences are much more than just resizing – each size is a completely new icon.
YOOtheme Pro. One Price - All Included
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