
This is a short instruction on how to install ZOO or ZOO + Demo content extension in your Joomla installation.

Install via Upload

Install ZOO

To install ZOO use the Extensions Installer in the Joomla administration. Go to Extensions ยป Install/Uninstall.

Important When you are facing an error during installation, it is highly recommended trying to Install from directory

Install From Directory

  1. Download the latest ZOO version and unpack all ZOO files to a directory on your pc.
  2. Using FTP, upload this directory to the /tmp directory of your Joomla installation on your webserver.
  3. Go to the extensions installer in the Joomla administration, use the "Install from Directory" option to set the directory of your uploaded ZOO files.
  4. Click on the Install button and Joomla will install it from the given directory.


  • Joomla 3.x+
  • PHP 5.3.10+
  • PHPs GD extension (enabled in PHP 5.0+)
  • PHPs SimpleXML extension (enabled in PHP 5.0+)
  • PHPs DOM extension (enabled in PHP 5.0+)
  • PHPs allow_url_fopen support (enabled in PHP 5.0+)
  • PHPs cURL extension - is needed for Facebook Connect to work.
  • MySQL 5.1+ (MSSQL is not supported)
  • We recommend Apache 2.x + with mod_mysql, mod_xml and mod_zlib. Minimum requirement 1.3
  • Mod_rewrite for Apache for search engine friendly links