the slideset does not display the date. And it also cannot display it. If you want to have the date and other meta displayed, you need to create a new widget by yourself. The easiest way would probably be to copy the existing slideset widget and give it you own name. In the views/widget.php file add at line 269 the following to generate the meta string:
// Meta
$meta = '';
if ($item['date']) {
$date = '<time datetime="'.$item['date'].'">'.$app['date']->format($item['date']).'</time>';
if ($item['author']) {
$meta = $app['translator']->trans('Written by %author% on %date%', array('%author%' => $item['author'], '%date%' => $date));
} else {
$meta = $app['translator']->trans('Written on %date%', array('%date%' => $date));
} elseif ($item['author']) {
$meta = $app['translator']->trans('Written by %author%', array('%author%' => $item['author']));
if ($item['categories']) {
$categories = array();
foreach ($item['categories'] as $category => $url) {
$categories[] = '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$category.'</a>';
$categories = implode(', ', array_filter($categories));
$meta .= ($meta) ? '. ' : '';
$meta .= $app['translator']->trans('Posted in %categories%', array('%categories%' => $categories));
Then in line 331 to output the generated string add
<?php if ($meta) : ?>
<p class="uk-article-meta"><?php echo $meta; ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
And thats basically it.