I love YOO Winners – Pictures of the 10 winners
Thank you so much for all the photos you sent us! We are still surprised to see that your photos came from all over the world, this is so cool! So it was really hard for us to pick the ten winners. The people who sent in the ten most awesomest photos each won a license of the ZOO Pro Edition. We will notify all winners by email today.
We especially want to highlight one thing here: There is this one guy, Ben, who made our PDF into a huge billboard and took his family on a trip to take pictures of himself with that thing. Ben: Well done! Check out the I love YOO page on his website and especially his kid saying "I love you (YOO)" in the video, that's the cutest!
We want to thank all of you guys again for participating in our competition, this has been so much fun! Now take a look at the winner photos:
UPDATE: Great video made by Denise. She took some pictures at the Joomla! Day Las Vegas.