Widgetkit 1.0 – New memberships and a free version
Today we are very proud to release Widgetkit 1.0, finally! We kept Widgetkit in BETA status for a long time now. This was because we wanted to wait till our website relaunch to provide a great Widgetkit product site with examples and a comprehensive documentation.
And here we go! Visit the Widgetkit product pages:
- Learn more about the features.
- See Widgetkit examples in action.
- Download it and take it for a test drive.
- Read the documentation to start customizing.
Free Version
Yes, that's right! There is a free Widgetkit version. It includes the following widgets: Lightbox, Spotlight, Twitter, Media Player and Slideshow. But only the default style is available in the Slideshow widget.
New Widgetkit Memberships
To get the full Widgetkit including all Slideshow styles, the Gallery, the Slideset, the Map and the Accordion widget, we introduce two new independent Widgetkit memberships:
- Standard: 6 months support and updates for 29€
- Developer: 12 months support and updates for 49€
The Widgetkit memberships also include both: Widgetkit for Joomla and for WordPress.
Theme Memberships
Nothing changed here! Widgetkit is included in all our theme memberships :-) So if you have an active membership you get Widgetkit for the system you are using (Joomla or WordPress). Have fun!
What's new since the latest BETA?
We added a bunch of awesome features with the latest Widgetkit version:
- Lazy Loading for images!
- Ken Burns Effect (Very smooth)
- New Slideset drops effect
- Update Notifications
- Support to load Joomla articles
- Restart autoplay after 30sec
- New Slideset style for the Gallery
And of course we also fixed all known bugs.
Take Widgetkit for a spin and give us some feedback :-)