Warp 7 Master Theme – A free theme to build your own themes

Warp 7 Master Theme – A free theme to build your own themes

  • Sascha
  • Warp

After releasing Warp 7 last summer, we have been working constantly to optimize and adjust the framework, applying your feedback and suggestions along the way. Now we finished the brand new Master Theme which is based on the latest Warp 7.2 version. You can use it as a blueprint to build your own custom themes and thanks to UIkit, you can easily add stunning styles and effects to it. And as you maybe already know from the Warp 6 Master Theme, it is totally free!

What is it for?

The Master Theme is very lightweight and reduced, focusing on simplicity and usability, to help you build new themes fast and effectively. It uses latest web technologies, like HTML5, CSS3, LESS and jQuery and is completely GPL licensed. We created packages for WordPress, Joomla 2.5 and 3.2, but you can also extend it to other systems. And of course it will be running on our very own Pagekit CMS, which we are currently working on.

Where can I get it?

You can download the Master Theme, including the latest Warp 7 and UIkit version on our theme download page. Enjoy creating your own themes!
