Warp 7.1 – Now tweaked and improved!
Two weeks ago we released our Warp 7 framework, and we are really happy with it! It was a huge release for us bringing new technology into our framework like support for LESS and much more. Since the release we gathered all your feedback from bugs, improvements to feature suggestions. Taking all into account, we revised parts of the framework and did a lot of optimizations. Let's have a closer look at it...
New grid
Before, widget widths were calculated through some JavaScript magic when hiding certain widgets on different devices. Unfortunately this turned out to be rather prone to bugs. So instead, we added new responsive grid classes to UIkit, giving you complete control over the widget behavior on different screen sizes.
To avoid conflicts between the Customizer and our override cascade, we moved the styles and their generated CSS into a separate folder. This is a much cleaner and more update proof approach.
Customizer and LESS
We refactored the customizer to minimize potential issues, so it will work on all hosting environments and modern browsers. We also fixed post size when compiling LESS.
Small Features
As you will see, we squashed a lot of bugs and added a few features. The most requested feature was the assignment of styles to different pages. This works now :-) The grid supports also 6 equal columns, you can assign icons to menu sub items and Google fonts now support https. As you probably know, Warp7 is built on our own new front-end framework UIkit, which also received some polishing touches including a few extensive changes.
We also worked hard on the new documentation and here it is! Check out our new Warp 7 documentation.
How to update from 7.0 to 7.1
There are a couple of things you should keep in mind when updating to Warp 7.1:
Upgrade Styles
Since the file structure has changed a bit, you will need to make a backup of any style you might have. Please save your style /less/styles/MYSTYLE.less
in the old 7.0 theme and copy it to the new 7.1 theme into /styles/MYSTYLE/style.less
. You need to compile LESS once in the administration and select your style as default again.
Theme Options
We changed a lot of theme parameters, which means you need to delete the config.json
file to make the theme work properly. After that, you have to apply your options in the theme administration again.
Markup in your content
We also changed the percent based .uk-width-*
classes from UIkit. They are now fraction based. If you already built a layout in your Warp7 based website, you need to replace these classes. Examples:
In our demo packages these changes have of course already been made.