Vue.js meetup in Hamburg

Vue.js meetup in Hamburg – The first meetup was a great success!

Last month we had the pleasure to co-organize and host the Hamburg Vue.js meetup in our YOOtheme office. It was a great opportunity for Vue.js enthusiasts and everyone who is interested in the JavaScript framework Vue.js to come together.

The meetup co-organizator Joe Ray Gregory together with YOOtheme co-founder Steffan Schiewe presented the talk Welcome to Vue.js – Plugins, Resources and more. The first part of the talk presented by Joe focused on the Vue.js Universe, funding and the reasons for the growing popularity of the framework. Steffan resumed the report and presented an event manager plugin for Vue.js. The plugin provides a declarative way to bind events to a global event manager. It uses the Vue lifecycle to automatically bind and unbind all events. After the presentations everyone got to ask questions and enjoy snacks and drinks. The event that brought over 40 people together continued until late in the evening.

We would like to thank everyone who joined this meetup. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Surely we can meet again some time soon!
