Jack Baker Theme for YOOtheme Pro

  • Anne and Sergej
  • Themes

Say cheese! The name of this month’s shooting-star is: Jack Baker! Our August theme for Joomla and WordPress presents photography or any other creative business in 12 well matched black and white layouts. It comes with new features, like a powerful lightbox – recently added to UIkit – and a cool looking button effect. The photography topic is presented with the help of new gallery options and highlighted by large background typography.

Jack Baker style

As usual, this month’s release comes with its own style. It relies largely on the contrast between black and white, creating a pure base to let pictures speak for themselves. The entire site is given a border, which emphasizes the topic with a sort of photo frame and gives the theme an individual appearance.

UIkit Style

Six new styles

Obviously, Jack Baker also comes with six lovingly created styles that were added to the Style Library. You can explore them right here:

This release contains an addition that will really enhance grids and galleries. We’ve added a lightbox mode to both elements! This is especially useful for websites that are heavy on imagery, like... erm... photographers’ websites. Much more on this in our next blog post.


Mixed image orientation mode

This feature offers photographers the possibility to mix portrait as well as landscape format photos within a gallery or grid. Just enter width and height values in the element administration, and they are applied to each image and flipped according to the image’s format, always preserving its proportions.

Gallery Mixed Mode

New Overlay effect

We’ve added a brand new overlay image option to the Gallery element that perfectly underlines the creative topic of the theme. An image will be displayed only, if you hover the item, producing a pretty nice effect. We will tell you more about this in our upcoming post on YOOtheme Pro 1.9.


Section Title

This little gimmick will add a twist to your website’s layout. The section title setting allows you to place marginal information in various positions within the section. You can add a dash, apply different alignments or even rotate it. For instance, we used it on the Stories page to display dates.

Section Title

Button effect

Jack Baker also comes with a pretty cool button effect strikethrough. When hovering a button the title will be struck through starting from the middle.

Button Effect

Social icon update

We’ve added a 500pixel icon to the icon library. This might be useful for anyone working with photography.

500px Icon

Layouts & Topic

Jack Baker features 12 (!) beautiful layouts dedicated to the photography topic. The Home page previews the photographer’s portfolio and provides contact information as well as links to the other pages. The Work page gives an overview of different projects and leads to the case study example André Smith. This includes an image gallery using the new lightbox function. The Editor’s Pick page provides an alternative portfolio with a gallery that puts clever use to the above mentioned overlay image option. Clicking any of the items leads you to another case study: Gian Luce e Paolo. The Stories page suggests a more editorial approach to a portfolio design and opens two more case studies: Benjamin Smoke and Chloé & Marc. About introduces the photographer and his résumé in a split screen layout. The Services page provides an overview of the photographer’s work scope and pricing with the sub page Portrait Shooting, which focuses on a specific service. The Book me button in the navigation opens a contact page.

Free quality stock photos

Our new theme comes with 109 lovingly curated and free-to-use images. The gallery below shows you a few examples of what to expect in this month‘s package:

109 lovingly curated and free-to-use images

What's next?

During the next few days we will post an article that goes more into detail on the new features of YOOtheme Pro 1.9. It is a massive update with great new features, some of which you can already see in this theme release. So, be excited

Until then have fun exploring Jack Baker and, as always, give us your feedback in the comments below.

  • Beautiful Jack Baker style
  • 12 page layouts
  • 6 pre-built style variations
  • Great for photography websites
  • Photography and creative topic
  • 109 lovingly curated and free-to-use images
  • All these features are available in YOOtheme Pro
