Flow Theme for YOOtheme Pro
This September we are proud to present Flow – our brand new theme on software and app development. With its colorful modern design, 6 layouts, 6 styles and free-to-use images Flow is perfect for a software company or related product-oriented websites. Let's see the details.
Flow Style
Flow has an unexpected and colorful design. Bold colors, gradients and rounded corners add to the playfulness of the theme and give it an exciting and fun look. In general, Flow has almost no sharp edges, instead everything is softer, rounder and flexible. The material design provides texture and depth making up a modern and unique website.
Style Variations
Flow comes with 6 different styles. You will find a lot of vivid colors with gradients and even one monochrome style. Just choose what suits your website best.
Section Overlap
We created a specific section overlap image for our new theme. The slightly bent design ensures an unconventional transition between sections. It corresponds to the overall look of the website and makes it richer.
Pill Border for Images
We have added a new option to some elements in YOOtheme Pro. Now additionally to rounded and circle border, you can have a pill-shaped border. You can see it in action on the Company page.
Layouts & Topic
Flow is a software company website with 6 different layouts. The Home page briefly introduces the software and its benefits. On the Features page you will find all the features that will help you organize your projects. Company page is an about page that focuses on the people behind the software. The features of this page are a nice looking oval-shaped Slideshow and a Popover integrated into a chart. Explore the Extensions page for the list of additional extensions the company offers. Obligatory Support page is not missing as well. Buy Now is a pricing page with frequently asked questions and clients. As you can see, Flow has everything you need for your project management and software related website.
Free Quality Stock Images
Flow comes with 44 lovingly curated and free-to-use images. Check out some of them below. All images used in the theme can be found in the Flow collection in the Unsplash library.
Have fun with our new Flow theme, and if you have a spare minute, let us know what you think in the comments.
- Beautiful Flow style
- 6 page layouts
- Perfect for software, project management and related websites
- Product topic
- 44 lovingly curated and free-to-use images
- All these features are available in YOOtheme Pro
+ Content Provider for YooTheme Pro (WP Blog Posts)
+ Gutenberg Support
And I am on YT Pro
YT Pro has completely revolutionised my agency. It has almost everything you could need out of the box and developing extras is easy too.
That's why I have to wait. It is the future, that's for sure.
I think the content provider feature will not come.
was removed from the active development list.
I do not believe Todo List. You'll see.
disappointed me.
Are we talking "before End of year"?
Of course Vue.js 2.5 makes is important too.
It's going to be really hard NOT to use this for zoomodsplus.com!! It's ace!
This is a theme like I have not seen it worse yet.
Optimization: Low 56/100
Page Speed: Unavailable
Link: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?hl=en&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdemo.yootheme.com%2Fthemes%2Fjoomla%2F2018%2Fflow%2F&tab=mobile
Check out my post here to learn more why PageSpeed Insights is dead. https://yootheme.com/support/question/122527#answer-382475