JUG Meetup in Hamburg – Meet the YOOtheme developers
We are going to organize a Joomla User Group meeting in Hamburg, Germany! It will be a social meeting in a relaxed atmosphere in a restaurant/bar. Anyone who is working with Joomla, no matter if you are a newbie or an experienced developer, is invited to join us. We will chat about Joomla and you can ask our team about the template designs, the Warp6 framework and our ZOO extension. Thomas Kahl, organizer of the Joomla Day Germany 2011 and known as VirtuemartExpert will join us, too. So if you are starting an ebusiness he's the guy you want to talk to. Also, Jan Gieselberg will join our meet up. You will know him from his website Joomla Downloads where he usually blogs about Joomla and provides a directory for selected extensions.
We think this get together will be a great warm up for the upcoming Joomla Day Germany in Hamburg. Expect some good conversations and lots of fun! And the best part is all beers will be on us, the whole evening! So come and join us.
The meetup will be on Wednesday, 15. June at 19.30 in Hamburg (Winterhude, Gertigstraße). Please email us if you will attend. The location will be announced soon. We look forward to meeting all of you soon!
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