JUG Meetup in Hamburg – Learn more about YOOtheme Pro
YOOtheme Pro has been out for a few weeks now. Together with the Joomla user group of Hamburg, we'd like to take this opportunity and organize a meetup. For this event, we are inviting you to visit us at our Hamburg offices.
This meetup is meant as an exchange of ideas and as an invitation for anyone who wants to know more about YOOtheme Pro and its possibilities in Joomla. Everyone is welcome, no matter if you have been developing for years or just recently joined the fun. The evening will start with a short introduction and presentation of YOOtheme Pro. Afterwards we're hoping for an interactive part with questions and discussion. The event will be held in German.
The Joomla User Group and YOOtheme Pro meetup will happen on Wednesday, November 16 at the YOOtheme offices in Hamburg. Please sign up on our official meetup event. The event contains all the details, exact location, and you can see who else is attending.
So, come over for a chat and beer. We are looking forward to seeing you all!