Joomla Template
Framerate is perfect for a review or any other media related website where you can present the movie and TV show reviews along with their actors and daily news. It's built with the YOOtheme Pro page builder.

Lovingly Curated

Demo Website
Plugin Integration
This Joomla demo package makes additional use of 3rd party plugins. They are free and already preinstalled and configured in the demo package. Here is the list of all plugins.
Name | Description | Documentation |
Articles Field | Add a field for related articles | View |
Movie Fields
Movie reviews are grouped into different genres. The movie category has 1 custom field to define the text color for the background image.
Category Field | Type | Description |
Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
The Movie content type has 14 custom fields. This includes fields for the teaser, summary, directors, writers, release date and related movies.
Movie Field | Type | Description |
Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
Teaser Title | text | Alternative title used to mix the review with blog posts on the home page |
Teaser Image | media | Alternative image used to mix the review with blog posts on the home page |
Teaser Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
Summary | textarea | A short summary of the review used in the beginning |
Directors | text | Movie directors |
Writers | text | Movie writers |
Runtime | text | Movie runtime |
Country | text | Movie production country |
Release Date | calendar | Movie release date |
Studio | text | Movie production studio |
Actors | articles | A list of actors related to the movie |
Links | subform | A link to the movie's website with title and link fields |
Related Movies | articles | A list of related movies |
Tv Show Fields
TV show episode reviews are grouped into different TV shows, so in this special use case, each TV show is a category. The TV show category has 11 custom fields for its duration, creators, actors and to show it on other pages.
Category Field | Type | Description |
Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
Intro Image | media | Category intro image |
Teaser Title | text | Alternative title used to mix the review with blog posts |
Teaser Image | media | Alternative image used to mix the review with blog posts |
Creators | text | TV show creators |
Runtime | text | TV show runtime |
Country | text | TV show directors |
Duration | text | TV show duration |
Studio | text | Production studio |
Actors | articles | Actors related to the TV show. |
Links | subform | A link to the TV show's website with title and link fields |
The Episode content type has 13 custom fields. This includes fields to tease episodes on other pages as well as fields for the season, summary, directors, runtime and more.
Episode Field | Type | Description |
Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
Teaser Title | text | Alternative episode title used for featured episodes |
Teaser Image | media | Alternative episode image used for featured episodes |
Teaser Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
Season | list | Episode season |
Episode | list | Episode number |
Summary | textarea | A short summary of the review used at the beginning |
Directors | text | Episode directors |
Writers | text | Episode writers |
Runtime | text | Episode runtime |
Release Date | calendar | Episode release date |
Actors | articles | A list of actors related to the movie |
Related Episodes | articles | A list of related episodes |
Post Fields
The default Post has 2 custom fields to define the text color for the background image.
Post Field | Type | Description |
Intro Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
Image Text Color | list | Background image text color |
User Fields
The User has 1 custom field to display the avatar.
User Field | Type | Description |
Image | media | User image |
Built with YOOtheme Pro
This YOOtheme Pro theme package and all its layouts and styles are built with YOOtheme Pro – The most powerful Joomla template and page builder.
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Looking for help? Take a look at our comprehensive YOOtheme Pro documentation. From tips on getting started to guides for developers — everything can be found here.
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