Google loves YOO – Warp5 is a search engine friendly template framework for Joomla

Google loves YOO – Warp5 is a search engine friendly template framework for Joomla

  • Sascha
  • Warp

Optimizing your website to easily get found by search engines and make it as accessible as possible is what makes the difference between an average website and a good one. When we gave the Warp framework its last layout makeover, one of our major goals while widening its flexibility was to achieve the best search engine friendliness possible. That's when we came up with introducing our new 2-1-3 column ordering.

2-1-3 column ordering means that in the HTML structure the Joomla component (which contains your most relevant content) gets rendered first, and then the left and right columns. The order of the columns displayed on the screen does not have anything to do with the order if the DIVs in the HTML structure. This is currently the most modern and search engine friendly approach that is around. The image to the right shows the columns as displayed in Warp-based templates, the code to the left it is the HTML structure (simplified) that we use to create this layout:

<div id="main"> </div>
<div id="left"> </div>
<div id="right"> </div>

3-column-layout of the Warp framework

So, since Warp5 we use CSS to order the columns rather than putting the DIV with the ID "left" first in the HTML code.

It's two of them!

We actually implemented the 2-1-3 column ordering twice, one nested into the other one, and it is very easy to change the width of your columns: Now, You can set them in the template parameters in the backend of your YOOtheme template and don't have to modify any CSS for this anymore.

How to change the layout column widths

Everything is accessible

Warp only makes use of unobtrusive JavaScript. All behavior is separated from the markup. This means that all content is accessible, even if your user has JavaScript switched off or if you switch off the JavaScript effects used in your Warp-based template. All JavaScript effects are put "on top" but are not necessary to be able to view the content of a website based on the Warp framework.


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