YOOtheme Pro 1.5 – Custom CSS field and more header layouts

Time really does fly – nearly six months have passed since we released YOOtheme Pro to the public. A lot of upgrades, new additions and improvements have happened in the meantime. We just published our latest theme Copper Hill and today we are delighted to present version 1.5. We added style and alignment options for the Offcanvas and Modal header layouts, improved the Description List element and appended missing RTL stylesheets. Another innovation of the latest YOOtheme Pro version is the custom CSS field for builder elements.

Custom CSS field

This release comes with a feature that will make modifications much easier for you. We added a custom CSS field for builder elements. This allows you to add your own code without having to touch any template files. You will find a list of available selectors underneath the CSS field inside each element. If you use these, they will be prefixed automatically to avoid conflicts with other classes.

CSS Field

Offcanvas and Modal menu

We added eight new layouts for the Offcanvas as well as the Modal navigation and expanded their settings. From now on, you can choose between different menu styles and change the alignment of your menu items. To create mobile-ready and easy-to-use navigations, the Offcanvas menu is the ideal solution. In the latest UIkit 3.0 version we completely reworked the component, improved scroll behavior on touch devices and added a close button.

Header Layouts

Description List element

We also included more fields and options to the Description List element. You can now display meta information in addition to the title and content. The element features three different layout options: 2 Column Grid, 2 Column Grid (Meta only) as well as Stacked. With each layout there are different meta alignment options. Another feature is the optional leader style, which visually connects the term and description of each item, for example with a dotted line as shown below. To create a restaurant menu price list, like in our new April theme Copper Hill, choose the 2 Columns Grid (Meta only) layout, select width Expand and check Add a leader.

Description List

New social Icons

Our icon library includes two new social icons. We are talking about TripAdvisor and Yelp. This opens up the possibility to visitors if finding reviews for a business by just clicking the social button. We also added Google Maps URL support in social links. Just copy and paste the URL of your map to a social field in the Pro administration and a marker icon will be rendered automatically in the front-end.


Google font loading

The General section in the Style customizer of the YOOtheme Pro administration now contains a Google Font menu item. All Google fonts that are used in the current style will be listed there, and you can load additional variants, like bold and italic for each font as well as language subsets. The subsets will be loaded automatically across all active fonts.

Google fonts

What else

These are the highlights of YOOtheme Pro 1.5. But that is not all you can expect. For instance, code fields now feature autocomplete and there are new typography options available in the Style customizer for the logo, table and Description List. Not enough? You can find the complete list in the changelog.

We welcome your suggestions to help us to steadily improve and further develop YOOtheme Pro. So, feel free to write down your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.
