In February YOOtheme delivers to you the brand new and polished template: Page. The template comes with a wide variety of colors and styles...
New YOOtools – Release of the YOOscroller and YOOtooltip extensions!
YOOtheme expands the YOOtools extension collection and proudly presents two new additions. First, the YOOscroller which allows you to display...
Happy New Year 2008! – New YOOtools extensions arrived!
As promised YOOtheme got some surprises in 2008 for you which we won't keep under wraps anymore... We are pleased to announce the launch of...
Fastest templates – Delivering CSS and Javascript files fast
A look at today's websites shows that a lot of files are transferred to the browser actually display the webpage. These files are the HTML...
Beyond template – January 08 YOOtheme club template
As first release in 2008 YOOtheme drops the ultimate template: Beyond! YOOtheme improved the whole template framework to take customizations...
YOOtools arrived! – YOOtheme developed some groundbreaking new Joomla extensions!
We are pleased to announce the launch of the YOOtools Web 2.0 Joomla extensions. In addition to the YOOtheme templates YOOtools is dedicated...