We already talked about the ZOO extensions itself. Also explained its features like the CCK and the catalog system. But to make the ZOO a...
Versatile catalog system – Create catalogs for all purposes
In our last blog post we described the CCK feature of our new ZOO extension in detail. This time we want to take a closer look at the catalog...
CCK for Joomla – A catalog system with CKK will arrive soon
After we announced our upcoming ZOO component we received quite a lot of comments. Now there are some rumors out there because we put a couple...
Today we reveal the name of our new baby
Being our only child componentwise we thought the Teamlog might feel a little lonely, and since we got a lot of positive feedback on it, we...
Pinboard template – February 09 YOOtheme club template
Put it on your wall! Our february template Pinboard is made of 5 different materials, and you also get to choose from a wide range of nice...
The way we ride! (Part 2) – A look into the code of our free template overrides
In the previous post we told you about our new template overrides (which you can download here) that render the Joomla output tablelessly....