App Instances

This is a short tutorial on how to create and delete an app instance in ZOO.

Create an App Instance

Create an instance of one of the predefined apps, like the blog app, the download app or any other app.

Select an App

Create a new app instance

If this is the first instance you create in ZOO, you will be automatically directed to the app creation site when you click on Extensions ยป ZOO in your Joomla administration. If you already have an app instance, you have to click on the plus icon in the tab bar of ZOO and select an app to create.


Create a new app instance

The configuration screen of the app instance will appear. First you have to give the app instance a name. You can also choose a template for the app here.

Global Parameters

Create a new app instance

On the right you can set global parameters for the app instance; like how many items you want to show per page, in how many columns the items should be displayed and how the teaser images should be aligned. These settings can be set for the frontpage, the categories and the items individually.

For the comment system we made a separate tutorial.

Delete an App Instance

To delete an app instance, go to ZOO administration and click on the gearwheel to open the app manager.

Select the app you have an instance of, which you want to delete.

Delete an app instance

Click on the button Info and you will see all created instances of this app.

Check the app instance you want to delete and click on Delete in the top right corner.

Note All data in this app instance, e.g. items, categories etc. will be deleted too.

Delete an app instance